Hello people!!!!
I am now an X-Men fan!!
My sister and I watched the three X-Men movies yesterday and now I'm LOVING IT!!
My sister actually watches it for Hugh Jackman...xD
This always happens to me...whenever I become a fan of something or I'm crazy about something....I make a club on stardoll xD
I like Wolverine best. (kind of obvious)
And I feel like killing Rogue...and Toad...and Mystique...can't stand any of them...
I love the scene where Mystique and Wolverine fight in the first movie...
Its awesome! Two Wolverines fighting?? AWESOME!!
There is one part...which I keep re-winding xD
I die laughing every time I see it!
Its the part where Wolverine strikes Mystique (in the form of Wolverine) and chops her claws off.
Okay...I guess that's all for now...
X-Men Forever!